List of interesting blog posts from the Seattle Startup community on the last week:
John Cook/GeekWire
Feedburner co-founder Matt Shobe has joined BigDoor, a Seattle startup that helps online publishers engage with readers and viewers by establishing...
Mark Mader/ Blog
John Rajala, president of Rajala Lumber is a perfect example of why we at Smartsheet knew iPad access would provide an extended touch-point for...
Asher Bearman/The Venture Alley
CONTRIBUTED BY Asher The StartUp Visa Act of 2011 has been introduced in the Senate for consideration.� If passed, this...
Marcelo Calbucci/Marcelo Calbucci
Picture by Betsy Weber Trying to label�SXSW is pretty hard. We love to label things and find patterns so it makes it easier for us to understand what things...
Gregory T. Huang/Xconomy Seattle
This is one of the bigger cleantech deals we?ve seen around the country. Waltham, MA-based Harvest Power, a waste-to-energy startup that?s building a plant...
Alison Clancy/LiquidPlanner
Last Tuesday, a few LiquidPlanner employees (who shall remain nameless) were in a meeting when someone confessed their undying love for Us Weekly , and...
Jeff Pecor/Yapta
The TSA announced today that it's retesting 247 full-body X-ray scanners at 38 airports across the country after maintenance records on some of the devices... (Matt Heinz)/Matt on Marketing
To emerge from the early stages of building a new business, start-ups need to stay focused on two things: building & selling. The first is by far the...
Meadow Creek Blog
Yeah you, one of the two hundred�thousand home based businesses in the Puget Sound area.� I know, you?re a serious entrepreneur.� You?re going to be a big...
William Carleton/William Carleton, Counsellor @ Law
The Seattle chapter of the Founder Institute graduated a class Tuesday night this week. Each represented company gave a five minute pitch using slides...
From Seattle 2.0
Sasha Pasulka
South by Southwest Interactive is always a launching ground for new digital products; when you put about a million or so of the world's digital elite in the same two square miles, something is...
Marcelo Calbucci
I had a very unpleasant experience this morning at SXSW and the whole thing blew up in under 3-minutes and I?ve made an enemy for life. The conversation was very close to this while I was sitting...
Sasha Pasulka
In the coming days and weeks, you will read countless dreadful and redundant articles about the trends, products and people that came out of SXSW, plenty of them written by me, because every...
Gerry Langeler
I was chatting with two of our portfolio CEO's recently, as they asked for advice in handling some specific situations that either were new to them, or at least wanted to make sure they were in...
Nadine Velazquez Pink Mila Kunis Samaire Armstrong Selita Ebanks
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