Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gosh! Even Napoleon Dynamite Is Now Using Kickstarter

I love Kickstarter. It's maybe the best enabler site ever. In the short time it has been around, we've gotten everything from open source Facebook "killers" to iPod nano watches to RoboCop Statues. But one of the aspects of the service with the most potential is movie funding. A few of these projects have popped up already, and it apparently caught the eye of Napoleon Dynamite himself, Jon Heder. As NewTeeVee points out today, Heder has set up a project on the service to get funding for a movie he hopes to make. Alongside collaborator Nick Peterson (who would direct the film), he hopes to raise $27,000 over the next month or so. Given the fact that he's well, Napoleon Dynamite, he should blow past that in no time. I mean, the iPod nano watch got almost a million in funding.

Julianne Hough Paula Garcés Genelle Frenoy Shania Twain Gwen Stefani

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