Friday, June 10, 2011

Must-Read Blog Posts of the Week

List of interesting blog posts from the Seattle Startup community on the last week:

Hillel/Jackson Fish Market
Jared Spool recently posted about ?Why the Valley wants designers that can code.? Basically, he makes the good point that hiring managers at startups are...

Keith Cochran/Xconomy Seattle
This may give away my age and musical tastes, but I?ve noticed how entrepreneurs nearly always end up sounding like AC/DC. It?s hard. It takes a long time...

Megan Muir/The Venture Alley
CONTRIBUTED BY Megan � The "Startup Genome Report" released this week from seed accelerator blackbox�collected data...

Andrew Dumont/Andrew Dumont
Posted in Startup LifeWith all of the talk around an impending higher education "bubble" and the introduction of Peter Thiel's 20 under 20...

John Cook/GeekWire
IPO fever is spreading once again through the tech ranks. And while recently filed,�Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman says don?t look for a public offering...

William Carleton/William Carleton, Counsellor @ Law
On DLA Piper's Venture Alley blog last week, Andrew Ledbetter reported that the SEC has now followed up with proposed rules to implement the "bad actor...

Brier Dudley (Seattle Times)
RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif. -- Microsoft unveiled a new interface for the upcoming version of Windows that will give its flagship operating system a...

Seattle startup ValueAppeal has raised an additional $1.6 million from angel investors, founder and CEO Charlie Walsh said.

Alison Clancy/LiquidPlanner
LiquidPlanner will be exhibiting at Enterprise 2.0 in less than a month, and we couldn?t be more excited for our big trip to the east coast. Enterprise 2.0...

Joseph Sunga's Thoughts
Sentient Monkey: 10 years at software: swindsor : This upcoming July, I?ll have worked for ten years as a professional software engineer. I?ve worked for...

From Seattle 2.0

Matt Paulin
For several blog entries we have been discussing the theory and more ?meta? aspects of brainstorming and ideation. �We are going to attempt to raise the level of discussion around certain topics...

Cindy Crawford Mariah OBrien Uma Thurman Alice Dodd Kate Walsh

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