Friday, February 4, 2011

The Latest Verizon iPhone Commercial Strikes At AT&T: ?Yes, I Can Hear You Now.?

We've made note of both the first Verizon-made iPhone commercial and then the first Apple-made Verizon iPhone commercial. Both are effective and interesting in different ways. But neither takes a shot at AT&T. But a new Verizon one that has just started airing on television, does. At least, indirectly. The new commercial, which we've embedded below compliments of quick-with-the-TiVo TechCrunch reader Kacy Fortner, has a very different tone than the initial "clocks" Verizon commercial. In this one, there is triumphant music playing as glimpses of the iPhone 4 are shown. It almost seems as if it's meant to conjure up Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Elisha Cuthbert Ciara Rachel Hunter Heidi Montag Katharine McPhee

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